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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
May 29-June 4 Hottest Topics

How I Passed NCLEX-RN in 75 Question

Whether you are in nursing school or just beginning to consider it, the NCLEX is a serious exam deserving your attention. In this article, I share with you the Five Budget-Sensitive Strategies I used to prepare myself for the NCLEX-RN; an exam I passed after only 75 questions.
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Need Career Advice? Ask Nurse Beth!

Your career is your lifeblood and while career changes can be frustrating and complicated, they don't have to be. Ask a real nurse with real experience answering career-related questions. Ask Nurse Beth!
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Timeline for graduation, NCLEX, and 1st RN Job

Hi! I was wondering what the timeline was for you to: Graduate Send in your application to BON and PearsonVue for the ATT Get your authorization to test
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There was a time when you could just about bet on the results of the PVT being as close to accurate as could be for an unofficial "glitch".
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Struggling with Micro and Statistics: Do I have a chance at being a nurse?

Dear Nurse Beth, I am not doing well in Microbiology and Statistics and I was wondering if you think I have a chance at being a nurse if I struggle with these subjects?
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What do you say to friends who want to copy

What do you say when a friend and classmate asks to see your answers or papers?
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