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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
May 15-21 Hottest Topics

Half of the class fails

Has anyone come across a large group of nursing students who failed one class (1/2 of the class)? If so can you share their story?
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In need of advice

Hey everyone I just created this account after finding out 5 minutes ago I failed my NCLEX RN for the fifth time now.
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Today I signed up for a CNA class and found out that CPR is not part of their program. All the other programs I looked into required CPR. Is this normal? Should I do a CPR class to be on the safe side?
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Use these TIPS..There's no such thing as studying for the NCLEX

I know everyone's NCLEX experience is different and everyone's understanding is different so I will only speak for me. Studying for the NCLEX did not help me. I am an honors student graduated top of my class so trust me I love my nursing books, but not for NCLEX.
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67 Medications Every New ER Nurse Must Master!

Are you a brand new Nurse to the Emergency Room? Well you are in luck! Learn in this article about 67 medications you will be administering frequently in the Emergency Room. Not only will you learn about the go to ER medications, but you will also learn about some medication administration safety tips to help you succeed in the chaotic environment.
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[Toon] False??? Advertising

Feels like it sometimes, doesn't it? As Nursing Students, we are down to our last dollar and frantically look for the best deal when purchasing our Nursing books.
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