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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
May 8-14 Hottest Topics

From ABC News: Nursing Student Who Failed Class Twice Sues Her University

It never ceases to amaze me.... Next she will sue NCLEX for not accommodating her...
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No longer a nursing student - graduation!

I can't believe it's been 3 years since I started my journey. Worrying about pre-reqs, stressing over having enough points to get accepted into nursing school. Stressing over those first nursing exams (critical thinking? You mean ALL the answers are correct, which is the MOST correct???)
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Thoughts on nurses who graduate nursing school calling themselves nurses before the NCLEX

May I have a reality check? A fellow nursing student friend of mine just graduated for which I and many others are happy for this person. They started sharing to family and friends, "I am now a nurse."
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NCLEX test discussion/vent advice welcome!!

I have came across this site multiple times when researching different issues about NCLEX or even other topics and after my latest attempt I decided to become a member and post to get some other people's opinions.
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Is getting my RN at a technical college a bad idea?

I'm a recent VN graduate and have been diligently searching high and low for the smoothest and fastest transition into an ADN program. As you all may know, the community college system is lacking and it can take years just to finish prerequisites.
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on my way to RN.....but now my employer through a monkey wrench in

I have two more science classes to take until I can apply to the RN program at my CC(start Jan. 2017). We are building a new building where they are going to hire an LPN to run Pain management, my employer has offered me that position....the catch is, he only wants an LPN not an RN.
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[Toon] Managing Your Instructor's Good Side

Most all Nursing Students have the desire to stay on the good side of their Nursing Instructor. There are simple ways to do this and they probably work every single time.
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