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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
May 1-7 Hottest Topics

7 Social Media Posts That Will Destroy Your Nursing Career Before It Begins!

You just graduated Nursing School and you are wondering why you are not getting any call backs from the jobs you have applied for. When was the last time you checked the content within your social media accounts?
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The Positive Aspects of A Nursing Career

Choosing a career is not easy. Preferences, talents, and needs evolve as we mature; I know mine did. Life events can also get in the way and delay our dreams. Some know early on what they want to do for the rest of their lives, but most people take a few years before deciding on a career that best fits their personality.
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Nurses Rock At All Stages In The Circle Of Life

Hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospices, and other types of entities would cease to exist without nurses who function as the backbone of the healthcare system. Nurses make the difference at all stages in the circle of life.
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“What I Learned From My Preceptor” words of wisdom from the senior nursing students

Preceptors deserve a lot of credit. Being a preceptor, working one-on-one with a nursing student or a new graduate nurse, twelve hours at a time, is often both fun and exhausting at the same time; it is truly a labor of love.
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Happy Birthday to the World's Most Famous Nurse

Nursing has certainly come a long way since the time of Florence Nightingale. We should not forget the courage and perseverance of the Lady with the Lamp who remains the most famous nurse in history.
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Graduating soon...how are you preparing for your interviews?

For other people graduating soon...how are you planning to prep for your interviews? Do you have a plan of preparation, or just wing it?
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