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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Apr 24-30 Hottest Topics

Nursing school bloopers

I thought it would be funny to start a thread to share silly things you've done in nursing school. I know we've all done some ridiculous things; we're learning after all and we can't expect to be good at this right out of the gate!
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I'm too sensitive, says my husband

So, I am doing my pre-reqs and I will be applying next summer for the ADN nursing program with my community college. I am a very compassionate person and I cry at the drop of a hat(I just can't help it-I don't have "tough skin")-- My husband says that he doesn't think I am going to enjoy nursing because I will have to deal with all the bad things that come along with nursing
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Does it Matter Which BSN Program?

I have a feeling that the answer is generally a no. But does it really matter which nursing school you attended (BSN)?
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Resume - Getting Ahead of Myself Here

I officially start my nursing classes in 2 weeks. However, I'm thinking way ahead of the game right now in regards to resumes since I'm doing a career shift.
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BSN Student, should i get my CNA?

I'm a second semester BSN nursing student, and i really would like to start getting some experience as soon as possible. I was wondering if it would be recommended for me to get my CNA over the summer so that i can begin working.
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