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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Apr 17-23 Hottest Topics

Asking for prayers: multiple nursing students died in car accident

Today has been a very devastating day. Early this morning on the way to clinical some of my fellow nursing classmates were killed in a car crash. There was an 7-8 car pile up, but only the nursing students were killed.
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Canadian 2013 RN passed NCLEX first go! Here's what I did...

I stalked this forum like it was my life while studying and I knew I had to post once my exam was finished regardless of if I passed or not. A little about me first, I am a canadian educated nurse. I passed my canadian licensing exam in 2013 before they changed their format to the NCLEX as well.
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Best "fast-track" advice for an older career changer.

I worked for a few years as an executive-level healthcare administrator for a primary care clinic for the uninsured. My experiences there convinced me that I wanted a clinical career, as I longed for the patient contact.
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I have a priority nursing question

I have a quick question to ask you. 1.) A 6 day old who is vomiting all feeds and is found cyanotic with emesis in his mouth upon entering the room. What would you do?
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Assignment - Medical Study

I was currently assigned a case study with various questions. The case is related to a 50-year-old coming out of the PACU after she had a total thyroidectomy (multinodular goiter), left superior and right inferior paratyroidectomy due to adenoma.
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Male student enters OB room. What do you think?

I was doing my OB clinicals and entered a patient's room to deliver a food tray. Stupid move on my part, but it got me a complaint from the patient and kicked out of my OB class. I'm allowed to repeat next year.
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