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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Apr 10-16 Hottest Topics

Winter 2015 Article Contest Top 12: You Pick 4 Winners

We had almost 90 articles submitted this quarter! More than half of the eligible articles were submitted in March. A big thanks to all those who participated. I hope you will continue to submit articles...... We always have a contest going. After voting for your top 4 picks, start writing your article(s) for the Spring Contest. The more articles you write, the great your chance is to win a $150 prize.
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Work-Life Balance: One Student’s Tips for Success

While a full-time student in Chamberlain’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, Jennifer Joseph worked at least 20 hours per week, while still making time for her husband, two daughters and three dogs. Here are her tips on how to successfully balance work, school and life.
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Thinking about becoming a nurse...at 40!

I've been thinking about going back to school to become a nurse. I currently work as an interior designer, I have been in this field 15+ years. I'm beyond burnt out on working for 100% commission. And my field is changing and it's not getting better.
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Why you didn't get that scholarship.

I was recently on a committee that was giving away free money to healthcare students. I'm sure the disappointed applicants will be wondering why they were not chosen. Let me share what made it easy to turn them down.
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LPN school and night shift

I am currently a full time nights aide at a SNF. I start the LPN program in June but I am worried about working and going to school! Class is M-F 8-2:30p. I get off work at 7am.
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Care plan cheat sheets

Hello everyone, are there care plan cheat sheets or head to toe cheat sheets available? I would like to create a mini binder care plan with notes to bring to clinicals.
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[Toon] Another broke Nursing Student

No, you didn't fracture a bone. You are a Nursing Student and you are broke. It's pretty common and some students may have a side business to help offset their financial situation.
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