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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
May 22-28 Hottest Topics

Always the Instructor's Fault......

I've been scanning posts in the nursing student section for awhile to get a "pulse point" Check about what's on students' minds. I'm a longtime educator (11+) years at a major university and a longer time nurse (29 years).
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Does anyone think nursing school gives too many chances?

This is really just me venting but I'm getting annoyed with all the second, third, fourth, etc.. chances. Nursing school is preparing us to fill a role where could literally kill someone if we make a mistake.
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Asking professors for references

Is this done? Is it kosher? And if it is done, is it best approached through email (so as not to put them on the spot) or in person?
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Getting nursing school ready??!

So I am going to be starting my pre-reqs for nursing either this fall or in January 2016. I have been doing some research about how to prepare for my journey to be a nurse and I must say that I am a little nervous. I'm 23 about to be 24 single no kids and working in a auto factory I feel that I am in a good place to get started but for some reason I feel unprepared on what I should be doing now even after looking up information.
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I'm terrified

I have been officially accepted into my school's fall nursing program. My last prereq is this summer (microbiology) and I'm getting the jitters. I am terrified I'll fail. I'm terrified of what I don't know is to come.
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Priority-setting questions are fun

All, I got this question as a PM from a student who wanted to know the justification for the answer to an exam prep question.
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