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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Feb 27-Mar 5 Hottest Topics

Don't Lose Your Grip Now

I had on rose colored glasses while I was in nursing school. Everything was seen as big, bright and new. This is how we all see the World around us when presented in new circumstances. Hear me when I tell you, the battle isn’t over. And it never will be.
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Where Will I be 5 Years Post-Graduation from Nursing School?

My plan is to first graduate and then pass my NCLEX exam sometime this summer. Once I have my RN license, the real job search will begin! In addition to finding and starting a new job, I will also be jumping right in to begin my Masters in Nursing Education degree, which I will start in early fall. I feel that it will be very beneficial for me to work on a medical/surgical floor for at least a couple of years in order for me to learn and practice my nursing skills.
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Cheaters.... What is our responsibility?

I'm in my last semester of pre-reqs, starting nursing school in the fall. I have noticed a bit of casual cheating (who knew this was a thing!?). Last week, a couple students next to me, while taking a test in A&P II were blatantly cheating. How do I know? Well, this teacher gives color coded tests, such that you should never be next to anyone with the same version of the test as yourself.
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7 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Nurse Practitioner Program

Currently I am in graduate school to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. I am in my first of three clinical rotations, and in December of this year I will graduate. I never once have regretted the decision to go back to school to become a Nurse Practitioner. Below is a list of 7 tips that I know will help any nurse who is contemplating on whether or not to apply to a Nurse Practitioner program.
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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

I'm not even sure what kind of advice I'm looking for here. Maybe I just need to cry a little before I go back to studying? I just started my core classes. Pre-req's have been a struggle but I maintained honor roll throughout. I've already come to terms with the idea that I most likely won't be able to maintain that through my nursing classes. That's not the problem.
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[Toon] No such thing as a dumb question

As Nursing Students, we ask a lot of questions. And, it is important to do so as it shows we are interested, inquisitive, and eager to learn. Some students may think that asking too many questions will annoy the instructor, but not asking can be the difference between life and death.
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