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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Feb 20-26 Hottest Topics

Nursing as a Human Experience

I just finished a 13-hour shift yesterday night at the CVICU. I am in my final semester of nursing school and I am so excited to be on this amazing floor for my preceptorship. For the past three shifts that I have been on this floor, I have been so happy that this floor opened up so many avenues and opportunities for learning. Things I have only read in nursing textbooks (when I do read them) are now being applied in the real setting.
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Care plan help needed!

I am doing my care plan for my Med-Surg clinical rotation and I guess I'm just looking for a little bit of guidance or reassurance that I'm in the right direction before I get really in depth with my care plan.
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I think I might be in the wrong field

I'm new to this page so please go easy on me. I'm starting to think nursing is not for me. I am in my first semester of Nursing school and I am starting to change my mind. After going to the clinical site, I realized how stressful and sh*tty a RN career could be.
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Post-NCLEX Encouragement

I just wanted to leave a note of encouragement for all of the people that may have just taken the NCLEX and aren't feeling too good about the experience, and are frantically searching for a hint of hope and positivity as I was after I took the exam.
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What is a Nurses Calling?

My whole life I've been an artist who has never been career oriented. I've only worked in retail, and after moving to another state I decided it was time to settle down with a real career. So I was immediately taken with nursing. It's an amazing career, exciting, where I can help people and save lives and make a difference, and the pay isnt bad either.
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[Toon] Nursing School Survival Kit

You've finished all the pre-req and have been accepted, your uniforms are good to go - you are a NURSING STUDENT. Now, you need that all-important survival kit. O.k. ... highlighter, check ... planner, check ... pens, check ... coffee, check ... tablet or smart phone, check. Did I say coffee?? So, what's in YOUR survival kit??
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