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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Feb 13-19 Hottest Topics

9 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Education Goals

As I think about the many graduates who walked the stage this year at Chamberlain, I offer some of the following reflections on what I’ve learned about continuing education.
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Bullied by Clinical Instructor

I'm in my last semester (4th) and my clinical instructor has been bullying me and making fun of me (even cussed at me) in front of my clinical group during post conference. I've had positive clinical evaluations from all my past clinical instructors. But now, I'm feeling discouraged...She favors some students even though they don't give good SBAR or can't answer critical thinking questions about their patients or even do assessment on time.
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Do Nursing Students Have a Life?

I am going to be a nursing student this coming fall, currently I'm taking medical term, speech and intro to computers. I keep reading all of these things about nursing students not having a life, under so much stress and spend all their time studying. I'm getting a little nervous about all of those thing and I just wanted some real advice from nursing student about the myths that a lot of incoming nursing students hear. So do nursing students have a life?
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Questions to Ask During and Interview

I am 5 weeks from the end of my nursing school career and was told recently that we could start applying for nursing jobs! First off, scary yet exciting. So before I start applying I would like to know what kind of questions I should be asking. This is my first time applying for a full time job so I'm lacking knowledge about what I should be asking about benefits and all that other stuff.
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Beat all Odds, inspired and motivated...

For the longest time like many others I came on this board for encouragement and mainly to see how others cope with their grief of not passing the 1st or 2nd time. What I sought for on this form was "hope" and "motivation" that others gave me when I saw they succeeded in their quest to conquer the NCLEX. So thank you all for giving me the courage I put together to finally succeed in what I wished for the most.
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HIPAA violation? What to do?

I have an exam tomorrow and one of the things I am required to know is what course of action is the RN supposed to take if she notices another medical professional breaching HIPAA? It's confusing me because it's such a slippery slope ...
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[Toon] Don't buy that used book!

Be careful on buying used books online. Many may be outdated. Many descriptions will not be truthful on state of book. If you need to buy a used book online make sure it has a return policy. Have tips to share? Please share with the community...
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