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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Feb 6-12 Hottest Topics

How do you feel about professors locking the door?

In my first semester of nursing school, this was a standard policy. I never liked it, but I definitely understood it. Punctuality is a big thing for me, but it isn't for a lot of people these days, and the cohort needed an overarching message that nursing wasn't the profession to get into if you couldn't get it together and arrive on time. None of the other professors we had after that have felt that a locked-door policy was necessary.
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Looking for advice from experienced nurses regarding the possibility of student debt

I am really struggling with a decision regarding nursing school and I am hoping to get some advice from seasoned nurses.
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Help? I regret this career choice?

I really regret choosing nursing and lately idk what it is but I have been having breakdowns dreading the brutal schedule I'm going to have as a new nurse if I ever find a job. I'm going to have no social life or time for myself. I know this profession is a bit about being selfless but I really don't want to play a martyr.
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I've been accepted!!!!!!!!

This is the best day of my life! I'm still in shock! BUT I'm nervous about the reality of nursing school.

Yes, I know I won't have a life.

Yes, I know how time consuming it is.

Yes, I know how stressful it can be.

Yes, I know I won't get much sleep.
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Cheating in an FNP program

I attend maryville university and know several students who have cheated on our first patho test. The tests are online and people actually bragged how they all got together for the test. One had the book open, one had the study guide and another had Google ready to find answers.
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Have you ever had the nightmare...

...where you are taking classes online.. You log in mid semester and find a course that somehow you are enrolled in, but never knew it? You haven't done a single assignment or test and now can't drop the class because it's too late?? AHHHHHHHHH!
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[Toon] Nursing student brain drain

As Nursing Students, we can study too much. We can become over saturated with so much information that it starts to leak out of our ears. Sometimes you just have to shut down your brain. Things that helped me included soothing music and getting 8 hours of sleep at night. What do you do to help your brain take a healing break?
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