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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Jan 30-Feb 5 Hottest Topics

The Sad Truth: Online Nursing Schools vs Traditional Schools

The stigma of an online degree remains for some brick and mortar schools. The future of nursing education is online in the 21st century. It is time to recognize the fact that some online schools have a better innovative program than traditional schools.
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What is best private or state university for nursing?

I been having a dilemma lately in what would be best for studying nursing. I am a student in a private university for the BSN program, however, I have trouble with the tuition fee because it is so expensive and I been denied for the private students loans. 
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Get Your Foot Off My Self Esteem!

Are you a nursing student who is having conflict with an instructor? You are not alone, even though you feel as though you are. This is my experience with one of my instructors that made me question everything.
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Are 2nd semester nursing students considered CNA's?

I recently heard online that once you finish Funds, you are eligible to either sit the CNA exam or can use your transcripts which show that you have completed your first semester in order to get a CNA job. Is this true?
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PA vs NP and Recommended Texts for the Latter

Would anyone recommend using difficult texts such as Guyton and Hall Physio and Robbins Pathology; some of the more renown texts used by med schools.
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Clinical Humor

I remember being a nervous nursing student. Now the tables have flipped, and I have become the nervous clinical nursing instructor! Facilitating the students' learning includes a laugh every now and then. It's when we laugh at ourselves that the students can see that maybe I can do this!
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[Toon] Not a Fad ... It's a Necessity!!

Nursing Students have to juggle a lot during school including their finances. Carpooling is one of many ways to save money. This looks like Bug-Stuffing is making a comeback and the question begs to be asked, "how many Nursing Students can you stuff in a VW Beetle?" What innovative ways have you found to save money during school?
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