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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Jan 23-29 Hottest Topics

The End of the Tunnel...Holy Cow - is that LIGHT?! Ch 9

When you are in the midst of nursing school, it seems that you will be stuck in the muck forever – and there never seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. The days on end at clinicals, trying to figure out if you will ever find the right shoes to wear without coming home with blisters on your feet, the long nights of reading endless chapters and pouring over piles of notecards, the lectures you are sure you fell asleep in….will it ever end?
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“Have you seen the patient in 222 today? I have never seen her smile!”

As a student nurse, it is easy to get frustrated at times and believe all I am doing in clinicals is “CNA” work. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but aren’t I here to learn more than a bed bath? Yes. And today I did.
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NCLEX befuddled

I took my NCLEX this morning. Expected the routine 75 questions and was rudely surprised by 259! To prepare for NCLEX, I took Kaplan and did their entire Qbank and all their Qtrainers with all %'s in the high 60's (one even a 72), read Saunders AND listened to Hurst audios.
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Looking for financial aid

Can somebody give me a list of scholarships/grants that you can apply for as a pre nursing student? I visited my first choice college and decided that I don't want to be anywhere else, but it costs $37,000 a year for tuition/room and board.
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Anxiety with Nursing School

I am a second semester freshman in college doing pre res for nursing school. I have always wanted to be a nurse my entire life. Unfortunately, I am not very strong in math and science. I cannot see myself in any other job, or want to pay off loans for any other major. I only see myself as a nurse.
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Any RN'S that did PA?

I wanted to know what the difference is in what you learn when going an RN program or a PA program? I understand the years of education involved but wanted to know how both programs differ as far as the curriculum or what is being studied.
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[Toon] Tips to stay awake while studying

We've had this discussion before: How does a Nursing Student keep from falling asleep while studying? I'll bet there are 101 ways to stay awake ... power naps, exercise, have a snack, turn up the music. Midterms and Final exams loom on the horizon.
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