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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Jan 16-22 Hottest Topics

Dear nursing students: We need to talk about homework help

There is a reason this site is called allnurses: It's for all nurses (and anyone remotely interested in nursing or its related professions). That means that your instructors just might be on this website too. That means we can recognize postings asking for help with one of the assignments we've given.
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What's your one thing you can't live without in your clinical bag?

Hey guys! I want to know what the one thing you can't live without in your clinical bag is? I am starting to make purchases and get things together and wanted some seasoned input.
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Favorite care plans and resources

Hello everyone! I'm fairly new here and new to nursing school. I searched but couldn't find a related topic. what are some of your favorite care plan books? What are some outside resources that you found to be most helpful with study? I'm looking around to find a few things but there are just so many houses. So id like to get some allnurses opinions!?
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Is this you? "Freaking out! So Scared! Terrified!"

Every new semester we hear from students who describe themselves as scared about what they're about to start. Are you among them? I'd like to say you can relax, and offer you a little advice to help you do that. Yes, you can.
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Accelerated vs. Traditional Program

I was wondering other than the shortened time period, what would make someone go to an accelerated program vs. a traditional. Typically the accelerated programs cost more money vs the traditional. I was just wondering if perhaps the accelerated second degrees might potentially be a better fit for management positions because there are 2 degrees? Just something I heard, not my opinion, but I want to hear yours!
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Patient education "cheat sheet"?

I'm a second semester nursing student in a BSN program. I've participated in a few clinicals so far and have another one coming up soon (administering flu vac, vitals, pt education). One thing I've noticed that I struggle with is patient education. This includes topics such as healthy diet, how often to see their PCP, get their eyes examined, assessing for fall risk, etc. I find that my brain kind of freezes up and I just forget loads of info that I have studied.
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[Toon] Relax. Your past won't haunt you.

Did you really think that stealing the cookie from the jar would keep you out of nursing school? What other stories have you heard about? I'm sure there are many out there - from the 40's, 60's, 80's, last year ??? Just curious...
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