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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Jan 9-15 Hottest Topics

Avoid Kids at ALL Costs! Ch 8

As it turns out, my favorite class is pediatrics. I have four kids, and know a little about basic things (age of immunizations, milestones), but I didn’t know a LOT. And it turns out, I really do like to read the textbook and learn everything I can about these munchkins – but I am dreading the upcoming clinicals.
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How I passed NCLEX in 75 questions

I graduated in December and took -- and passed -- NCLEX last week in 75 questions. I know there are plenty of posts about studying for and passing NCLEX but I wanted to add what worked for me. Granted, most of what I'm about to post won't help those who have already graduated but for those of you just starting out, I hope it will help you!
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Virtual Reality. Ch 7

My community class will be done different from the face to face students, since I am an eline student. I still have to go to do some clinicals, but the daunting task in front of me is to create a virtual community in which I will be the health nurse.
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I received this email from a professor. I was a little shocked. Opinon?

I just received this email from a professor. I was blown away by the content. I found it unprofessional. I wanted to see what other nursings students had to say. Have you received similar emails before?
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47yrs old in 4 days and starting class

Well here I go, I'm almost 47 and I start classes toward my RN tomorrow. I'M scared, nervous, I feel like crying. Why GOD did I wait so long? I just feel Too Old. I just feel like I waited too long, but I also feel like I cant give up. Why Am I soo Emotional.
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Where to begin for NCLEX after graduating over 5yrs ago!

I graduated over 5yrs. ago with my BSN, took the NCLEX right after I graduated and failed. I got frustrated and sad and haven't taken it again since. Now my kids are in school and I have the time to study. I just don't know where to begin since it has been so long. I am very overwhelmed. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get started studying again and for how long?
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[Toon] Nursing school is stressful

Arrgggghhhhhh! Let it all out! Breathe... We all know that nursing school can be stressful but it seems that some are coping more than others. What are your secrets?
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