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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Jan 2-8 Hottest Topics

How to get an "A" in any course.

Whether you're a seasoned pre-nursing student or just starting out these easy to follow steps can launch you into academic success. Take a new approach to your daily routine, make time for yourself and never fall behind in a class again. These study tips can be applied to any learning styles and fit into just about any life style as well. Get honest with yourself and plan to succeed!
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How to make a good head to toe assessment?

I have my first official clinical rotation in 2 weeks and I want to start thinking about how to make a good head to toe assessment. What sort of questions should I be asking myself? What should I be looking for? I am asking because it is hard to practice head to toe assessments on healthy 17-20 something year olds.
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Taking NCLEX Jan 7th

It's finally here: TEST DAY! I take NCLEX tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. I graduated a few weeks ago and am ready to close the door on "nursing student" and open the door marked of "registered nurse".
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Nursing School Acceptance

For all of you out there struggling to get into nursing school, I say hang in there and stay strong! I decided to start my path to nursing school about 2 years ago at the age of 37. I had friends that criticized my decision to go into nursing so late in life. Ignore those people. They are battling their own insecurities and are not as fearless as you are. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
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Failed NCLEX more than once? Do this.

I just don't know what I am doing wrong.. I've studied all kinds of stuff I've used Kaplan, RN mastery app!! I just don't know what to do or what to study.. I'm starting to feel defeated..
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HESI A2: Don't stress- tips from a recent test taker!

For months, I stalled before scheduling up my exam date. Since I graduated college 5 years ago, I was pretty concerned about being out of practice academically. I ate many "anxiety cookies" in the days leading up to the test.
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[Toon] Treadmill-sleep-walker

Nursing Students are notorious for finding the most unique ways to catch a few winks. Now, falling asleep on the treadmill is one way and in the absence of any health-related issues, it's probably happened to a few people and not worrisome.
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