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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Dec 26 - Jan 1 Hottest Topics

I'm a Nurse and I am Stronger

I had been at the top of my class my entire life. In fact, I remember in high school contesting a 95 because I was so unused to grades below an A+. Yes, I was that student. When I was in a CNA program, other students were upset because I ruined the curve. I knew that many nursing students experience the difficulty in adjusting from the top of their class to the mediocre. As much as I tried preparing myself, I could not accept that this could happen to me.
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50 Resolutions Nurses Should Make for This New Year

New Years is a time of reflection and renewal. As nurses, we have so much that we can improve upon, but sometimes, it can feel so overwhelming. In addition to making personal resolutions, you should make a few nursing resolutions, too.
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The Gifts of Nursing

Nurses spend most of their careers giving to others...they continuously give of their time, their minds and their hearts as they provide the best care for their patients, often with little or no formal recognition for a job well done. Being a nurse can be mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. Not once in a while, but every day. However the gifts of nursing remind us why all of our giving is worth it in the end.
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It has been 6 months since I graduated from nursing school, and after failing my first attempt miserably, today I can finally say with pride that I am a registered nurse!
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Winter read? You got it.

Few weeks ago, I came across this book while searching for a simple survival guide through nursing school & found "Confessions of a Student Nurse: How I survived My First Years exams..." by Marie Flynn. I think its a great book for us Pre-Nursing students to get a feel for NS & what to expect etc.
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What can I do to prepare NOW (Jan 2015 nursing school start date)

I would appreciate any information on what I can do to prepare myself NOW for my start date in 23 days????????????? Thank you!!
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[Toon] Good Career Choice - A Nurse

There are different origins about receiving a lump of coal for Christmas. In some countries, Saint Nicholas secretly gave families gold. He knew some families were bad and he left them lumps of coal instead. People often make poor career choices and live to regret it...
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