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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Dec 19-25 Hottest Topics

Give me a BREAK!!!! Ch 5

You can only study so much before you go crazy, it seems. The words on the computer blur in front of me. I have done 200 plus questions from the NCLEX study bank to review for my upcoming med surg exam, and my mind is mush and my butt is numb. I need a break! I decide the one thing I really want to do is to mow the yard. I know – I need to get another hobby!
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Expert advice on passing your 1st semester

I am now an expert on passing your first semester of nursing school, having just done it myself. (you'd see me wink here if you saw me in person)

Here's what you need to know:

1. Just getting to the first day of class is a big first step...
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Making the Most of a Working Christmas

One of the sad facts of nursing life is that you have to work holidays. Most facilities have you work every other holiday, but that can mean that you are on the floor for Christmas. Some nurses don’t mind working holidays because patients need them. However, some nurses resent having to work holidays because it takes away from their time with family.
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Finding the Perfect Gift for your Family: Being Present

Shopping for presents, wrapping them late so no one sees what you bought, baking cookies to keep the family tradition, making the stuffing and pies and then falling into bed exhausted only to wake up in daze when everyone else is excited about Christmas day and not being able to enjoy the moment.
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12 Tips for Nurses: The Paradox of Getting More Done is To Do Less

Nurses love to fix things, solve problems, take care of people and make everything nice. As a nurse you learn to make do and to find ways around things that do not work. Nurses go out of their way for other people. So in this holiday season, it is easy to see how, as a nurse, you are inclined to do even more for everyone else.
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Does your hospital allow you to say "Merry Christmas"??

Any american nurses working in a hospital in the USA that tells staff they can no longer say "Merry Christmas"? Are there hospitals here in our country that are forcing their staff to only say "happy holidays" and not allowing them to say "Merry Christmas"?
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[Toon] Lessons in Turkey Anatomy

In Nursing school most of us have A&P prerequisites. We get the opportunity to dissect all kinds of things. Students might find that they not only attack the holiday turkey with glee, they get to apply their dissecting skills with wide-eyed anticipation. Approaching the bird with with a scalpel might not be the correct instrument, however...
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