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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Dec 12-18 Hottest Topics

Tales from the Crypt....uh.... I mean Clinicals. Ch 4

My scrubs are royal blue. As I walk into the uniform store, I cannot wait to try on the coveted scrubs! The sales lady walks over to me and asks me if I need help. I am bursting with pride as I tell her I need scrubs for my nursing clinicals. She smiles at me and leads me to the rack.
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Passed AANP FNP today. Useful Tips.

Today I passed my AANP FNP exam, two days after graduation. I used this website constantly to read tips and stories about people that both failed and passed, and can't be more thankful a forum like this exists. This is going to be long, but I would like to contribute my 2 cents for others like me that can't get enough info.
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Think Positive! You all will make AWESOME Nurses!!

I just thought I would share some positive news! After giving birth to my daughter during fundamentals, I am now two semesters away from graduating! So many people discouraged me and told me that I couldn't possibly finish school with a little one but I am doing it! No matter what obstacle you're facing just keep thinking, "i can do this." HARD WORK and DETERMINATION can get you through nursing school.
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A Word to New Nurses

I have recently had several new nurses to orient not only to my facility, but to LTC and nursing in general. This obviously does not apply to all new nurses as some have done well but are some observations that I have made that will help you along with developing your practice:
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I want to get a head start on studying (I won't start my nursing program until April) and I want to start with meds. I have the Kaplan NCLEX-RN drug guide and I am wondering what is the best way, most effective way, whatever way to study these?! I was thinking note cards, but that seems like a lot. Any ideas would be helpful!
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A Nurses Christmas Poem

T'was the night before Christmas
& all through the floor,
The Lasix was filling the foley's galore.
Stockings were worn, to prevent emboli,
They came in two sizes: knee, and thigh-high.
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[Toon] They say nursing students are multi-tasker. Are you?

With all the studying how do you find the time to do anything?
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