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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Dec 5-11 Hottest Topics

Questions and Myths Regarding Your Nursing Career

Whether you are a nursing student or a new grad, you probably have many questions surrounding your future as a nurse. Let’s look at a few of the more common questions and myths that keep coming up.
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Pretzels, Puppies, and Physical Assessment. Ch 3

There are some very major differences between taking classes in a classroom versus doing them online. The one difference that gets to me the most is the lack of a social life!!! I live in the boonies next door to some cows. My day starts off like everyone else’s day – chaotic.
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Clinical awakening

It was a warm fall morning. The alarm clock jarred me from my dreams at 4’oclock. I jump to turn it off so it does not wake my baby who is snoring in her crib. I almost want to pinch my husband in a jealous rage that he is sleeping so peacefully. I sulk off to make a pot of coffee, throw a load of wash on, and scuff off to get in the shower. As the warm water hits my back I am still filled with self-pity, thinking “what the heck have I gotten myself into?”
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First semester of nursing school: done!

OMG! So I haven't been on this app long; but I have yet to see anyone talk about repeating a class. I actually started nursing school in the summer; brutal! Unfortunately, I did not pass fundamentals! It was very upsetting. All those study hours, tutorials and late nights of stress and study sessions and no nights out! However, this semester re-taking it made all the works of a difference!
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Passed nclex with 197 questions 2014

i decided to write a blog post about my experience with the nclex because this website helped me sooooo much while I was preparing for it. Hearing people's stories about their journey not only motivated me but also made me realize that I am not the only one who is taking this journey and that there are so many others that experienced the same motions as me so basically you are not alone!
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Nursing school is not a back up plan!

So I have to get this out and rant. I know that other peoples' lives are none of my business, but this just drives me insane!! There is this one young lady trying to get into the nursing program at a 4year, traditional BSN school. She says that she doesn't actually want to become a nurse, but she wants to be an occupational therapist. Her viewpoint on it is, she'll fly through nursing school and then apply to OT grad school.
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I really need a better diet...

I am gaining weight. I don't know if it is just the stress of school/life... but man, i gained like 10 lbs this semester... How do you guys stay in shape? How do you manage to eat healthy??
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[Toon] How do you avoid distractions while studying?

Nursing Students are good at tuning out distractions. There are many ways to avoid distractions as we study: noise-reduction headphones, keep the music volume low, turn off the phone, turn off allnurses.com ... No, wait!! You cannot turn off allnurses.com! O.k., so how do you avoid distractions while studying?
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