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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Nov 28-Dec 4 Hottest Topics

Culture Shock & Big Girl Panties - Ch 2

I am 43 years old. I have 4 kids – 2 in college, one in high school, and one starting 8th grade. I am on my second marriage, so the 4 kids I mentioned are mine, and my new husband brings in 4 more – 2 out of high school and 2 still at home. We have a lot going on. Football, soccer, track, band – extra-curricular activities for the kids means extra-curricular activities for me. With nursing school starting in the fall, I drop all of my odd jobs and focus on the kids and my one summer prereq course – pathophysiology.
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16 Common Nursing School Interview Questions & Answers

Most reputable nursing programs will require each candidate to undergo an interview prior to enrollment. This pre-admission nursing school interview might seem like a thoroughly nerve-wracking experience. However, the applicant can shine during this process with adequate preparation prior to the actual interview.
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The Gift of Hope

The once beautiful glow of the holiday season can become lackluster in the nursing profession. There are times when we must carry the burden of being a light that flickers in the darker reaches of our domain. I ask all of you to endeavor to understand and grasp that this is an offering surpassing any material thing. It is the gift of hope. Join me on one occasion of this very lesson, burden and blessing.
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Debunking the SATA Myth

Took my Nclex yesterday. 130 questions of pure hell. Only about 10 of those were SATA. I walked out believing I failed because I didn't have enough SATA. Did PVT, got good pop up, but still wouldn't believe I passed until this morning when the FL BON updated their site and I got my license number. I'm over joyed. I cried so hard when I saw that I passed. It was like all the stress from years of school and all the problems associated with it came out.
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Post semester blues

It's the end of my first semester of my BSN program and though there is a sense of relief, and my grades have all been good, I feel like I have no idea what I learned. Over the holidays, when attempting to explain how things were going to my relatives, I struggled to bring details to mind and sound as if I know what I'm taking about.
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Why in the world would you go lvn route???!!!??!

This is the constant question I am asked... I am really sick of hearing it. people even tell my husband and he comes home and say "another person told me your making a mistake by going LVN first..." then I have to go over with mY HUSBAND my specific reasons.
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How to beat the clinical nerves

So I am a first year BSN student and I am about to finish my first semester of nursing school. So in January, I start my clinical and I am so nervous. I have been given the green light to go to clinical but I just don't feel like I am ready. I barely understand charting and I am nervous to try any of my skills on actual living people... let alone elderly people.
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[Toon] Coffee, that life-saving java joe! Can you say, "Java Junkie"?

Nursing Students are always finding a way to get their C8H10N402 fix. Hanging out at Starbucks is the perfect place to wake up. Have you been missed at your fav coffee lounge?
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