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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Mar 6-12 Hottest Topics

I think I failed Nclex in 75 questions

I just took my Nclex rn and it was a monster of a test. Used Kaplan & Saunders to prepare but apparently I wasn't prepared enough. I'm super bummed now. Any repeat test takers have any advice?
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What's next when you receive rejection letters

So I am sure there are several people out there who can relate to the awful feeling that is receiving that Nursing school's letter in the mail and holding what is to be your fate right in your hands.
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Should I continue nursing school?

Since I was able to get a lot of help from AN during nursings school and also to study for the NCLEX, I thought it'd be nice to pay it forward and hope I can help others as well.
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Passed with Hurst review (study tips, discount info included)

Since I was able to get a lot of help from AN during nursings school and also to study for the NCLEX, I thought it'd be nice to pay it forward and hope I can help others as well.
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Passed with 122 questions on second try!! Read me!

I want to say first off- after you're done reading this please do not read any more testimonies. You must find your own nitch. I too as many of you, would spend countless hours while researching - what did she/he do? How many questions- how did they prepare ect ect. while obtaining advice from others is AWESOME it can also leave you IN A PANIC. Never compare yourself, and especially DO NOT COMPARE YOUR SCORES WITH OTHERS!
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[Toon] Final Exams are just around the corner!!

Please, oh PLEASE don't study your butt off. Well, I mean, you must study, but not at the expense of your butt. You'll need that for the chewing you'll get if you don't pass those exams. LOL!!
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