« Previous Nursing Insights: Student Edition #144
I had my first emergency experience. I am ashamed of how scared I was. I feel like I did not do the things I was supposed to do. Read more
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Nov 7-13 Hottest Topics

7 Things to know BEFORE Sims Lab!

Every nursing student dreads Sims Lab day. What are the instructors expecting? Will I "kill" my patient? Will I fail this lab? Relax -- here are some tips from nursing students who have been there - done that, and some pointers from instructors - that will get you through your lab with flying colors!
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Love the Concept- Will it be Respected?

I've heard so many horror stories of HR directors shredding applications of people with degrees from schools like University of Phoenix, WGU, and Devry, even though they hold the desired regional accreditation. I've heard it may also be difficult to transfer credits for doctorate and PhD degrees. Is this true?
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How important is it to work as a CNA before going to nursing school?

If you worked as a CNA during or before nursing school, what did it add to your learning or work? If you did not do it, what do you feel you would have gained? If you think it is helpful, how long do you think it would take to gain the benefit?
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Lessons Learned During Our First Semester Of Clinicals

This was my first semester as a Clinical Instructor for brand new nursing students during their first clinical rotation. I looked forward to introducing the newbies to the world of nursing through an idealistic, positive lense. I knew that I would have to work hard to keep that lense clean when others threw dirt on it. What I didn't expect was the wisdom that these students would share at the end of their first semester of clinicals.
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Excelsior Grads How do you explain clinicals?

I am currently in the Excelsior program with 3 classes to go before I begin the Focused Clinical Competencies Assessment portion. How do I intelligently explain this to my supervisor that this will prepare me to work as a competent nurse without sounding like I am getting my degree from a diploma mill?
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Still Raw: Six months after graduation, five months after employment

About four months ago, I wrote an article highlighting my experience as a new grad in the first month of my new job. (Summary: it sucked.) Today, I share my raw update. (Spoiler: still sucks. Well, not completely.)
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Central lines and air embolism?

I heard that if you don't clamp the lumens there is a chance of air embolism even if the caps are on. Is this possible and how ? How long would it take for the air embolism to happen?
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[Toon] Over Achievers Unite!

We have all seen the overzealous student and maybe we are that student. However, when does the overachiever become too much?? At what point does being enthusiastic become obnoxious? Whats been your experience?
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