« Previous Nursing Insights: Student Edition #145
I have a mandatory orientation the third week of December and I'm pretty nervous. I was hoping that someone out there could advise me on what to expect and definitely WHAT TO WEAR. Read more
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Nov 14-20 Hottest Topics

Do you have a Career Plan? What Type of Nursing is Right for You?

Are you confused about what area in nursing to go into? Nursing has so much to offer, the choices can seem overwhelming. When I was in school, I was given the advice that in the first 2 years of nursing, one should work in a hospital on a general medical surgical floor.
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Let Negativity Roll off Your Back: Learn to Set Boundaries

Do you get caught up in other people’s drama? Are you easily affected when someone makes a negative comment? When someone starts gossiping do you stay to hear the latest or do you get up and leave?
Read part one
Read part two

7th Time NCLEX Taker- Finally Passed

Last year was the hardest and most challenging year of my life. I graduated in 2013 from one of the top nursing schools in CA and had my dream job offer waiting for me. I failed the NCLEX the first time in 75 Qs and in turn had to rescind my offer. I was devastated but thought I would be fine if I just studied more and got better scores.
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Study Tips for Nursing Students

Were your grades less than ideal this semester? Are you just beginning to dive into college life and are worried about how to study and making the grades you need? It is important to take college seriously for several reasons. College is expensive! You need to make good grades so you don’t get suspended or put on academic probation. You don’t want to have to drop out or fail a class because you didn’t know how to study, or worse yet - you don’t want to be dropped from your nursing program! Here are some pointers that may just help you not only pass, but pass with flying colors!
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The most annoying student

There's this guy in my class who I need to rant about. He's just the worst. He always has to be the center of attention, is loud, and constantly interrupts others. He is a know-it-all and has to be right all the time. Today he disagreed with another student about a test question, and as the debate went on he melted down and yelled "I hate people like you! I hate your ********!" The other student was being surprisingly professional about it.
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Dosage calculation question

I'm having a problem with the following question:

Order: Pepcid (famotidine) 20mg IVPB q. 12h.

The label on the 4ml. vial reads 10mg/mL. The manufacturer recommends adding the famotidine to 50mL of D5W and infusing the medication over 60 minutes. At how many microdrops per minute will you set the IVPB solution to infuse?
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Care plan help, please

Hello all, I have nursing diagnosis that I need your opinion on. Thank you. Disturbed thought process related to impaired judgement as evidenced by delusional statement: "I am not safe at Project Cope, I am only safe at the hospital." My pt. recently lost custody of her son, because of her drug and psych. problems. She admitted herself to the hospital from substance abuse rehab.
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[Toon] Murphy's Law: Drink coffee and anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Has anyone ever instructed you to just step away from the coffee pot? Have you been told your blood type is espresso roast? If so, you might be a coffee junkie. What jittery coffee blunders have you made?
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