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How are people securing preceptors? Looking for info
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Nov 31 - Oct 6 Hottest Topics

How Do I Apologize to Professor?

I may be overthinking this but I need some help diffusing a faux pas I committed with my clinical instructor. I'm always afraid of stepping on a professor's toes and I've already done so with this one by arriving late to clinical twice this semester. I sent a text message 11:50pm to instructor. She didn't like it. Do I bring this up when I see her this week at clinical? Should I apologize again, in person? Or should I just let it go?
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I Want to Be an RN; I Am Bad at Math.

I was wondering, what is nursing math like? If I know what it is like I could study it along with my Algebra II and build my skills. 
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Why should I become an RN instead of a PA?

I am trying to gain more perspective on the pros and cons of becoming either an RN or a PA and would love to hear from you. I know the basic differences but am trying to understand why people in those careers feel more attracted to one or the other. If schooling and salaries were equivalent would you choose to be an RN over being a PA?
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Applying for Entry-Level MSN

I have received a Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences, and would like to transition to a Master's in Nursing. In order to do this, it seems the program I need to go under is through the 'Entry Level MSN' program. But I am really confused on how to get started, which schools I am fit to apply to ... Can anyone shed some light on how I can approach this? I am pretty bad at researching different schools, and I really have no one to go to for guidance right now.
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What is a day or week like in nursing school?

I will be starting nursing school soon and I'm just interested to know what a typical day is like. 
Do y'all have classes everyday? What do you do during clinicals? How many days do y'all have clinicals? What resources are you using to pay for nursing school? etc.
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As a Future CNA, How Should I Address Myself to Patients?

I obviously can't call myself a nurse, should I say aide or something else? This is a serious question, in my practices I just say a nurse because I have never figured out what to address myself as!
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Are there too many nursing programs out there?

Do you guys think that there's a lot of nursing programs out there? I feel that the US is producing way too many nurses and there will be a surplus of nurses in the end.
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What to bring on the day of the test?

I was just wondering what you're supposed to bring once the day finally arrive. I know for a fact that you can't bring any study materials.  Do you bring snacks? What else are you supposed to bring there?
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[Toon] 101 Ways To Fall Asleep (add your own)

We all remember as students what it felt like to be totally exhausted. There never seemed to be enough time to get a refreshing sleep. We would grab any opportunity to catch a few winks. I remember going to sleep with my face in a plate of spaghetti. Where have you practically passed out from sheer exhaustion as a student?
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