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Is it true that a DNP will soon be required to be an NP? Is this true?
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Oct 24-30 Hottest Topics

Follow your gut, being productive, and choosing to withraw

Many people don't want to waste their time. It has to be this year, this semester, if I don't do it now, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Many feel that if it can't be done this moment, it isn't meant to be or they have to change majors. I am here to share my story of what I should have done in the beginning, following my gut, and why I chose to withdraw from my program to return again in fall 2015..
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American Red Cross CNA Training?

Does anyone have any experience with the Red Cross for Nurse's Assistant training? It says that it is a 28 day program. Is this a good program to enroll in?
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How can I be taken more seriously?

My boss told me I am small, have a high voice and not as assertive as the other bigger girls. I have always had this problem with people not taking me seriously. People always call me "little/cute/tiny". I want to have a good career as a nurse but how will I ever be successful being so small? No one takes me seriously and it is really kicking my confidence. Advice?
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My Struggle with ADD

I know that a lot of people will make light jokes about having ADD. You know, everyone saying they have ADD or OCD when they truly don't? Many don't even think it is a real, existing condition. Well, if you are someone who really does have this disorder, just know that there are so many out there who make these claims because they are not the ones living with it.
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What has been your favorite clinical experience so far?

What has been your favorite clinical experience in nursing school? I'd have to say mine was seeing a birth or watching a sleeve gastrectomy and gallbladder removal.
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Am I crazy to do LPN to RN instead of ADN?

I'm considering nursing as a 2nd career. My goal is RN, but I can't see paying twice as much or more to get there in the same amount of time! Are there any reasons not to take the less expensive route (community college)? The NCLEX pass rate is pretty even among all the programs.
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RN...to me, means Real Nurse

The road to becoming a REAL NURSE (RN) is filled with bumps, trips, joy, and tears. Students learn from nurses who teach them invaluable real life lessons in nursing. Nothing is more effective than the experience gained in nursing school clinicals. Preceptors are a crucial key in teaching nursing students how to be a nurse, or how to be an RN.

And I wonder, why - just WHY don't some nurses remember where they came from?
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I have a few questions about my GPA.

My mom called me today at school to inform me that she thought I was slacking and doing a crappy job in school because I got a B in OB clinical. She has done this in the past, and it really does make me feel like crap. Any advice? Am I doing bad? I know education isn't a walk in the park, but education and nursing are VERY different. 
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[Toon] Hear that eery taunt? "Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."

Young or old, we want that candy. It lasts well into Valentine's Day and the dental bills pile up. As Nursing Students, we all learn the healthy way of eating and scratch our heads trying to find a clever way to magically make all those sweet temptations just go away. What ingenious ways have you come up with this Halloween? Oh, and don't YOU eat all that candy now, you hear??
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