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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Oct 17-23 Hottest Topics

Nursing School Won't Teach You These Things (Part 3)

Nursing students become immersed in the art and science of the profession during the time spent in nursing school. Bluntly, two facets of nursing coexist. There's a textbook world of nursing alongside a real world of nursing, and sometimes these two worlds brutally clash. This is the third piece in a three-part essay.
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To Nursing Students from a Clinical Instructor

Nursing students give me hope for our beautiful profession. I write an email to each group after we finish our time together. I want to share my latest email with nursing students because...
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Nursing Care Plan Help!!

I need to make a care plan but with so many dx she has on hx, I have no idea which one to work on. I NEED HELP!! IT'S MY FIRST CAREPLAN ON A REAL PT IN ICU! I don't know how to chart subjective findings when she couldn't really verbalize anything but screaming.
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Nurses, Say Thank You to Ebola Nurses, Patients, Those Speaking Out

Talk of Ebola is all over the news. In recent weeks, we've all watched as the crisis has unfolded. We've seen the devastating effects of this deadly virus. Let's not forget the impact it has had on some of our own. Let's take this time to express our support, appreciation, and well-wishes to those nurses who have been personally affected by this health crisis.
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I only held his hand

I was assigned a patient tonight in clinical that was getting prepared for emergency surgery. He was in extreme pain and his nurse gave him dilaudid for the first time. I was asked to stay with him...He was panting and shaking and kept repeating "I can't breathe."... 
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Practicing Assessments on Fellow Students

Do your programs have you practice assessments on each other in lab? Is this common?! I was very surprised to find out this is expected of us at my school.
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CDC Unveils New PPE Guidelines for Ebola

After the death of the nation's first Ebola patient diagnosed in the US and subsequent infection of two Texas nurses who cared for the patient, the protocol was under great scrutiny. Although many teams have investigated the chain of events leading to the 2 nurses' contracting the virus, the specific problem leading to the exposures may never be known.
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Time management advice

Does anyone have any advice on how they manage their time and when's a good time to start practice questions for the NCLEX?
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[Toon] What kind of car would you want?

We recently had a thread about favorite cars for nurses. Some of my staff like Subarus, Chevys, Fords or Dodges. And we all know when we've been poor students that getting a new car had to wait. So, if money wasn't a factor, what kind of car would you want?
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