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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Oct 10-16 Hottest Topics

Western Governors RN-to-BSN: My First Six Month Term (Almost)

Western Governors University (WGU) is a very popular online school for RNs who seek BSN and MSN degree completion because it offers a myriad of alluring features. These features include affordable tuition, regional and national accreditations, and nonprofit status. The following piece is a review of my first six-month term of enrollment in the WGU RN-to-BSN degree completion program.
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Care Plan help needed!

I'm second semester nursing student and am getting my first 'real' care plan ready to turn in Monday. I'm really lost when it comes to getting my nursing d/x together. We are required to have 2 priority diagnoses, with 3 intervention each. I guess where I need help is...
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RN to BSN programs

I'm looking into BSN programs and it's just insane. I will have to take so many more prerequisites before I can even start. Than the program itself is going to take me an additional 2-3 years to do because I must do part time. Ugh! Please share experiences transitioning from RN to BSN.
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How I conquered the NCLEX-RN?

Well for anyone who has befriended me or read any of my articles, you know I tend to be very detailed oriented. Yes I'm now a BSN, RN. After passing the NCLEX-RN this weekend. I really wish I could say I have the magic key as to how to pass, but after taking that exam I was like "What just happened?" I just got smacked in the face by NCLEX...that's what happened! Here's the run down on what I did, my habits, the good and the bad and what you need to know to pass the NCLEX-RN.
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If you had all the funds...

If you had all the funds to go to any school for nursing, would you choose to go to a community college for the pre-reqs and then transfer or just apply and stick with a 4-yr university? 
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Student Loans

I'm curious to find out how much money new students are borrowing to live on stipend in their first year of school? Any feedback will be much appreciated!
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How important is it to be involved in organizations during nursing school?

I am currently in my third year of my BSN program. I understand the importance of volunteer hours, but how much do employers really look at participation in university organizations (like a Student Nursing Association, for example)?
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Can I become a Nurse at 40?

I am currently a Certified Medical Assistant and a Certified Nurses Assistant. I do PRN work as a CNA for an agency. I enjoy working with people. It would be great to become a Registered Nurse but I now wonder if it is to late. I just turned 40 years old. Am I too old?
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[Toon] Never let them see you sweat!

Wow - have we not all been here, done that? The more nervous some folks get, the more they sweat, others blush, some stutter. And....everyone has their own situations that are sure to set off their nervous habits. What do you stress over? And how do you keep the stressful responses under control?
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