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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Oct 3-9 Hottest Topics

I think I might have blown a vein?

I was practicing IV skills with a classmate, and I attempted to insert an IV. Everything went pretty good in the beginning from what I could tell. I went into the vein at about a 15 degree angle, got blood return, advanced just a little more, then advanced my catheter. But then I noticed that the skin around the area started swelling. I feel like I did everything correctly, and then that happened and it kind of scared me and lowered my self esteem. Does this sound like I blew the vein, or does this just happen to people?
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Can you help me prioritize my nursing diagnoses for my careplan?

We have to find the three priority nursing diagnoses for our care plan. I was thinking the first one be acute pain, followed by risk for impaired gas exchange, followed by Imbalanced Nutrition. Thoughts?
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Summer 2014 Article Contest: You Pick 4 Winners

Help us select the top four winners. The four articles with the most votes will each win $150!!!
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Help choosing the right diagnosis

I am trying to write my first care plan and pick the right diagnosis' for my patient. Just a little backround info - pt has ESRD - fluid overload, on hemodialysis, and has anemia.....hx of COPD , CHF, & skin Ca. When pt was admitted his chief complaint was SOB. My assessment was done after 3 days of pt being admitted - he was on 2L of 02 (sat 95%), resp were 24, high BP, high BUN/CREAT, low GFR, low hgb&hct. His I&O was balanced. So heres where I am having a hard time...
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Online vs. Classroom/Hybrid

Do you prefer online, the classroom, or hybrid (tests and assignments online, and lab in class)? Why do you prefer one over the other? Please explain...
Online   Classroom   Hybrid
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Good private schools to attend in California for nursing

Is it really competitive to get into a state/university or is getting into a private school actually easier? How hard is it to get into a private school?
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Anesthesia Growth outlook

I'm interested in the anesthesia field. My major concern lies with job growth, supply and demand. The Bureau of Labor quotes a poor growth rate for the next few years. Taking that and the fact that here in the SE the market is saturated with schools pumping out 2000+ new grads a year, I am not left with much confidence in pursuing such an expensive and taxing education. How do you guys see growth continuing? Do you think pay will suffer as a result? Do regulating bodies have the authority to limit schools and student entry? 
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Adrenergic VS Cholinergic

I’ve been spinning my brain in circles here…one minute I’ve got it, the next I’m so lost I could die. Is there an easier way to memorize all this?
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[Toon] Have you been nurtured by an instructor?

Well, there are many commonalities of nursing and motherhood: caring for others, putting others ahead of self; well you guys know all that. As you move forward in your nursing careers you might realize it even more. Nurturing is a part of what we do whether we are male or female. Have you been nurtured by an instructor? Tell us....
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