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How were YOUR first days of nursing school? What did you do to thrive? SeattleJess
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
September 19-25 Hottest Topics

Lessons from a night as a Patient Companion

Each action taken is a stop forward or backward in someone's overall health. The patient companion/ CNA is the key to running an efficient facility. Even one night can teach you a whole lot about the impact you make on someone's care in an acute setting whether better or worse. Part of learning is seeing the "bigger picture" and knowing how to treat individual needs.
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Nursing Student Saves Man in Cardiac Arrest on Airplane

This summer, on a return trip from a vacation in Italy, Stefanie did just this when she jumped into action when a fellow passenger went into cardiac arrest, using the information that she learned in nursing school.
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Kaplan questions

As I have been preparing, my scores have stayed roughly the same in above 60%-69%. i have scored 56 and 59 as well on rough days. What are my chances of passing?
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How do you deal with a bad clinical instructor?

I am a first semester ADN student and just started my clinicals in the hospital a few weeks ago. There is one major problem though... my clinical instructor is less than desirable. We essentially walk around until she can find us a patient to take care of and then we aren't given instruction as to what to do with our patient.  How important is the first semester to have a good clinical experience and what should I be taking away from these first few weeks?
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Needlestick Injury d/t careless error. Seriously rethinking if I'm cut out for this.

I'm in my last semester and cannot believe I made this mistake. It has shook my confidence in becoming a competent nurse. Is this a sign that I just don't have what it takes? To make such a simple and important error seems inexcusable.
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Is this college worth the price?

Is a $44,000 education worth it, or should I try and find something more affordable? I qualify for about $10,000 of that in grants, and haven't even touched on scholarships yet. 
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International Graduate, Passed NCLEX On First Try at 77 Questions

I'm an international graduate from the Philippines, and I graduated last 2012. I moved here in the US October '13. I got a full time job that I was not even able to drop while I was studying for the NCLEX-RN. It was really tough, juggling two things at the same time, Ii had all the doubts, fears and anxiety while I was preparing for the test because I know a lot of people whose ONLY jobs were to study, and yet still failed. But despite all the doubts, fears and hectic schedule, I challenged myself. 
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[Poll] BEST resource for nclex prep

Hurst   Kaplan   NCBSN   PDA by LaCharity   Saunders  
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[Toon] Staying Alive, Staying Alive, Staying Alive

Wow - nursing school. A relatively short time in your life but a time that many of us remember with sweaty palms, no sleep and extra stress. As we learn all things nursing, we have to accept that the added stress is a given. However, there are ways to cope. What is your "go to" for stress relief?
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Nursing Jobs

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