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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
September 12-18 Hottest Topics

NCLEX anxiety really bad. I want to cry.

I am taking the NCLEX RN on Monday. I am really nervous and can't stop crying. I have studied for the past month and slept on my couch. I have been neglecting my family because of all this studying. If I don't pass on Monday, I think I might just give up trying. What can I do to help with this anxiety?
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What is supposed to be the hardest year?

My aunt is a nurse. She says that the first year is the hardest because the whole anatomy and physiology thing and nursing language is new when you start...
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4.0 in nursing school?

I was just wondering if it's possible to complete nursing school with a 4.0. Has anyone done it? I've read many times that in nursing school you usually drop a grade level ... I'm worried about this. 
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How are you able to live (financially) while in nursing school?

Do you work full time? I want to go back to nursing school but I am worried how I will pay my bills while I am in the program. I am afraid to work fulltime in fear that I will fail.
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My experience as a nurse and CNA

I'm currently enrolled in nursing school and started my 1st job as a CNA. I am enjoying nursing school (so far), but I hate being a CNA. I've worked for 4 days so far on a floor in a hospital. Let me say, it is back breaking work. I've had anywhere from 7 patients on a good day up to 14 on a bad day. 
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What's the Best IV Size and Site?

When I teach IV skills to students and residents, I always start with this question: "What's the best size and site for an IV?" I generally get myriad answers that involve...
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Benefits of Clinicals w/ partners vs. without.

Do you think it's better to have a partner or not have one during beginning clinicals? Our instructor offered us a choice tonight, to do our medsurg clinicals with a partner or without. Up until now we have been paired up by the instructor and given patients.
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[Toon] When the thinking is too much...

Critical thinking all day long. Sometimes we are just DONE with it? When to do this, when to call which doc, ugh! Does your critical thinking skills carry over to your home life? Are you overthinking your relationships?
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