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"I am so happy I made the LEAP into nursing. Maybe it is right for you too - but you won't know unless you try!" - sewnmom
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
September 5-11 Hottest Topics

The DEU Model of Nursing Education

There seem to be many, many horror stories of clinical nightmares ranging from the professional team dynamic on a nursing unit, to personality clashes with faculty and staff, and difficulties with nurse preceptors. While I'm sure that these are multi-faceted issues, I wanted to share my experiences in a nursing program that utilizes the DEU or Designated Education Unit model of clinical teaching.
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Do you think nursing programs can benefit from more rigorous prerequisites?

Do you think there should more science/math classes required to enter nursing programs? Nursing tends to be very easy to get into in terms of prerequisites and the laxity of GPA requirements. I find that nursing programs don't necessarily attract the "cream of the crop". What do you think?
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Is it okay to tape record on my phone my patient's report?

I'm having trouble writing all the details and absorbing the information during the change-of-shift report. The nurses speaks TOO FAST like they assume I know the patient already. I always rush to write everything and miss details. Am I breaking any HIPAA rules if I tape record the patient reports?
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Advice on Essay Q: Why did you choose nursing as a career?

I have pasted my first draft for the essay question: Why did you choose nursing as a career. Please give me constructive criticism or any advice. This is one of 8 essay questions in which I must answer. I will touch on healthcare experience, volunteering, and extracurricular in other categories. My hope was that this essay would stand out amongst others. Thoughts, suggestions?
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Are orders needed for dressing changes? QI project question

I am on a new unit in a new hospital for my clinical rotation and we have to do a QI project. I've run into an issue that I haven't seen in my previous clinical locations related to bandage changes. At previous locations I've always seen orders for bandage changes in the nursing orders. At this hospital I haven't found any.
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Associate of Arts or Associates of science?

Which is better - Associate of Arts or Associate of Science? My first advisor (he left) put me in Associate of Arts track and my new advisor thinks I should do the Associate of Science track.
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Officially an RN!

I just found out today that I passed! I've graduated 2010 that's why I was scared to take the nclex cause I thought everything has been put to sleep in my head! My computer shut off at 150+ Took me 3.5 hrs. I actually started to worry when I was offered the scheduled break after 2 hrs because I was only at 72!!! My study tools were mainly...
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Need help with HOW not "what" to study

For those who have taken and passed the NCLEX-RN, would you please share how you studied for the test? 
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[Toon] Disease of the month

Watching TV is fraught with peril when you a nursing student. You can watch medical movies or TV and diagnose everyone! You can quickly point out errors in the plot too. What have you watched recently where you picked out inconsistencies or just downright fallacies. Share your observations.
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.