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"...take the day off before you test!" - xojamieox
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
August 29 - September 4 Hottest Topics

New Survey Says Nurses Are Bullish on the Industry Outlook and Encourage People to Enter the Field

A survey from allnurses.com, the largest online networking and support site for nurses, reveals that the majority of nurses (74 percent) think the job outlook for the nursing industry is positive. Nearly three quarters of respondents (72 percent) would recommend that a person go into the nursing field, and the overwhelming majority (82 percent) believe that the nursing industry has a positive perception in society today. 
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Facts about NCLEX results

A great list with many adding to it regarding NCLEX results. A must read for all nursing students!!
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Gerontological Test Suits - Providing Students with a Taste of Age

Baby boomers are aging. As an aspiring nurse you need to understand what they are going through. The Gerontological Test Suit (GERT) does just that ... it "combines a weighted vest and arm and leg weights to simulate muscle loss, braces to simulate joint stiffness and goggles and ear protection to simulate hearing and vision impairment." Will you be able to walk up the stairs? Take the garbage out?
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Feeling overwhelmed - not getting it

I've just finished my 3rd week of nursing school and I'm just feeling so overwhelmed, stressed, and incredibly incompetent compared to the rest of my peers. I enjoy my classes and I really love learning the material but when it comes to skills and clinicals I feel like I'm not where I should be.

I can tell our instructors want to see us succeed but they also want us to be competent nurses. I am so afraid of failure. Please tell me I'm not alone...
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Is this too much to handle for a new student?

I'm new to this site, but I love what I see already. Lots of great tips!! I just have a question about the classes I plan on registering for, for the spring of 2015. The pre-reqs for the ADN program are A&P 1, Micro, and Pharmacology. I also plan on taking Life span, Growth, & Dev. Is it unheard of to take these classes together?
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My journey to become a nurse is taking so long...anyone else feel this way?

How long was your nursing journey? How old were you when you became a nurse?
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My NCLEX experience and what worked for me

I love to share the good news and announce that I recently passed my NCLEX! My heart skipped a beat when I saw the words "Pass" next to my name. Since this announcement, I decided to write my story about my experience so as to give other people in the same predicament at least an ounce of motivation and inspiration that anything is possible and yes you CAN pass the NCLEX and to never give up!
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Debt and Nursing School

The amount of money scares me out of my mind due to my frugal lifestyle of saving. I am unsure if I should deplete my 401K to pay for school or take out loans. If so what types, etc. I thought I would get some advice from some of you that have all ready taken the plunge. 
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[Toon] It's Never too Late to Start - Or to Finish

Nurses and nursing students come in all sizes, shapes, colors.......and ages. Gone are the days of a "cookie cutter" nursing student. This says a lot for the flexibility of the nursing profession. Are you are second-career nursing student? Or are you one whose educational path has been interrupted? What has your nursing school journey been like?
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.