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"For most students the impulse to nod and say... "OK." "Uh huh." "OK" is irresistible . Unfortunately, doing so adds nothing to the conversation and the patient eventually realizes the student nurse is trying to hurry her..." - Episteme
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
August 22 - August 28 Hottest Topics

How are you easing your first day jitters?

I've read through numerous threads about how hard classes are, how tough clinicals can be, putting in IVs, blowing veins, writing up care plans, etc. As I read, I could feel the blood drain from my face. Self doubt became stronger and more uncontrollable. I've gone to my husband numerous times already and have asked him how I'm going to do this and that I'm going to fail out.
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At the End of my Rope.

My preceptor is ruining my first job experience and taking a toll on my sanity. My preceptor is an older LPN. I know she mocks me for having my BSN and not "knowing it all." WHO DOES?!
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Interview for nursing school

I have an interview. What type of questions should I expect? I don't have any clinical experience but my Bachelors and Masters. I have completed all prerequisites and volunteer at a nursing home. I need help on how to tackle the interview...
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Online Nursing Study Tips: What Has Worked For Me

Many newly enrolled students want to find a way to accelerate through WGU's RN-to-BSN degree completion program coursework. The following piece is a loosely organized collection of study tips that have helped me accelerate through WGU's competency-based courses. These tactics may or may not be conducive to your personal learning style, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt and/or utilize them as you wish.
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Patient weighs 170 pounds who requires a dopamine drip. Need calculation help!

Pt. weighs 170 pounds who requires a dopamine drip for a failing kidney. Protocol dictates that you start the drip at 5mcg/kg/min. You want to mix a drip that contains 400 mg of dopamine in your 250 ml bag of normal saline. How many ml/hr will you infuse?
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PVT IS DEAD! Don't try the "new" trick

The PVT was never meant to happen. It was not some trick invented to give us results before the 48 hour quick results were ready, it was a computer glitch. Therefore it is no surprise that PV found a way to fix it.
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Nursing and Michelangelo

What exactly is nursing? There are a million definitions of what nursing is, and many of these would be correct. But the more I practice, the closer I think I am to knowing the definition. Nursing is an art.
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Managing money and student loans

Has anyone found a way to effectively manage their student loans without being forced to make massive payments each month? Where can I turn to for relief?
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[Toon] Oh oh!!! School is about to start...

School is about to start for many of our members. An occasional question we see is what to do with the time immediately preceding starting school. So, did you have summer prereqs to get done? Maybe a last minute splurge? Massage? Vacation?
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How Much Study & Prep Time to Allow for 1st Year Clinicals?

I've heard that writing care plans is a BIG part of clinicals. How much prep time will I need for the first day of clinicals? How much follow up time after I work on the first day and how much time to prep for the next day? At what point are we writing care plans and what else will we need to do?
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.