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"Avoid communication mishaps (and maybe even catastrophes) by avoiding common errors in communication." - Teresag_CNS
Nursing Insights: Student Edition
August 15 - August 21 Hottest Topics

Are you passionate about nursing?

My answer is: Not really. I'm looking for opinions on why this is a completely acceptable response because people generally are thrown off after I say that.

I would love to hear from nurses who lack passion but still love their job and do well. Any advice or insight would be appreciated. 
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Silliest answer someone has said in class?

First day of micro...Our instructor asked the class "What is the name of the bacteria that is the number one cause of UTI's?" A student answered--Ebola.  Share your funnies...
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Girl tells me to get a study group so I can cheat

Is this true? I've made it this far without cheating. I know she's trying to help but now I think her advice is no longer helping me. What are your experiences with students "sharing" info?
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My Story: Passed NCLEX on my 2nd attempt!

I am so grateful for all the support and advice I received from this website that I told myself that the day I pass NCLEX I would pay it forward. Well, I was able to pass my NCLEX-RN on my 2nd attempt with 75 questions and the feeling of having RN behind my name feels amazing!
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Best type of watch for clinical sites?

I am a tech in a hospital so I normally wear a digital and use the hospital room clocks to count respirations. Now that I am transitioning into a nursing student I need a watch with a second hand. Is there any particular style that people are raving about?
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I'm now interested in Nursing: What would you do if you were in school for a different degree?

If you were in this situation, what would you do?

1.) Continue and finish my Associates Degree in business, and take biology/science classes. Then apply to a 4 year university for nursing.

2.) Finish Associates degree in Business, then try to receive a Associates degree in Nursing, take NCLEX and use the Guaranteed Admission Agreement (RN to BS). 

3.) Switch majors now, focus on Nursing
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I failed my patient and lost my temper. What now?

Please tell me what I should have done and what I need to do now. It would be wonderful if you could do that without calling me the names I’m calling myself right now.

Should I tell my supervisor that it took almost two hours for my patient to get changed? I know I failed to advocate effectively for her and I feel rotten. Thinking about this has consumed almost all of my two days off. I suspect I’m embarrassing myself with this overly detailed posting.
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Single Dosage Calc Question!

Order: Demerol 50 mg IM 
Supply: 75mg/mL in single use syringe
______ mL to waste with witness 

Why is it 0.33 to waste? Why not 0.34???
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[Toon] Indigestion or just typical nursing student?

Eating, dressing, doing your ADLs quickly are all signs of being a frazzled nursing student. It's hard to take time for ourselves when we are in student mode. You get indigestion as you scarf down your meals. What do you forego while in school? What do you use as stress relief?
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Do all symptomatic pneumothorax need chest tubes?

Working on prepping for a lab... The question asks what assessment findings indicate a need for chest tube - all I can find is large pneumothorax and symptomatic pneumothorax. I know the symptoms of pneumothorax. These are what I've found...
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.