« Previous Nursing Student Journal #124
"Being a Med-Surg nurse at heart, and having great mentors in school and after graduation, I’ve become pretty good at Med-Surg, because I stick to a few basic rules." - wooh
Nursing Student Journal
June 20 - June 26 Hottest Topics

Bridging the Communication Gap

We often pay little attention to our reading and writing deficiencies even as we appreciate their importance in our daily lives. Speaking confidently before an audience can sometimes evoke powerful emotions of fear. Communication has been written and rewritten but as nursing students and professionals, we need to raise the bar another notch.
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Why is this question always asked?

"What did you use to study?" when responding to "I PASSED!!" posts.

People pass with Saunders, Kaplan, Lippincott's, and on and on. They also fail with Saunders, Kaplan, and....you get the idea. Every new grad who is preparing for the NCLEX has...
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Help Me Understand! UCD Grad Student Reflections

Nursing as a profession is unique in that there are multiple educational pathways. The decision to advance ones degree is a personal one. As a graduate nursing student I am struck by the perceptions of the lack of value of educational advancement in nursing. Although I understand that this is not feasible for all, I am perplexed by the perspectives of my peers. I am curious whether anyone else has similar experiences.
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Hurst - Which part helped you most?

If you've taken Hurst and passed the NCLEX (RN), what part of Hurst helped you answer questions the most - the content or the test strategies? 
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Decided to try out Kaplan

After reading the Success stories on here for the people who took Kaplan I signed up and started today.  I am hoping that it helps this time around since I didn't pass with Hurst the first time ... We learned the decision tree today... Did any of you find it helpful?
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Advice for Grad - Jobs: Fact or Fiction

At every clinical, my preceptor asks me what area of nursing I want to be in, and when I say I'm not sure yet ... I get puh-lenty of advice.

  • Don't specialize too quickly
  • Don't get into pediatrics unless you are sure, or you won't be able to get out.
  • Don't work at a doctor's office, or you won't be able to get a hospital job.

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Care Plans

I am with Excelsior College bridge program and I am studying for my CPNE. I am struggling with care plans. Does someone have quick go-to advice about simple care plan writing?
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What is Achieve Test Prep?

I keep reading about their benefits and how you can earn your degree online but from what school is your actual degree in?
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[Toon] Don't get too excited!

What to do when you get too excited? Run. Yep, running is a well known stress reliever. It can also bring you back down to Earth when having the butterflies or when getting too excited. Many students and nurses love running. Do you run? How do you arrange your training schedule? Run at night? Early in the morning?
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Online RN to BSN programs that are affordable

I applied to Notre dame college. Their per credit hour is $298. Capella University is $314/ credit hour. Jacksonville University is now $460/credit hour. Fort Hayes is $182/credit hour. Southeast Missouri is $341/credit hour. University of Louisiana Lafayette is...
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.