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"You are not the secretary, the butt wiper, or the maid. You are smart, you are important, you are educated!" - sweetdreameRN
Nursing Student Journal
June 13 - June 19 Hottest Topics

Critique of nursing school

Having seen so many pitiable messages thrown up on allnurses from desperate students barely surviving nursing school, I wanted to give my two cents worth. Let me say that I understand that I'm generalizing. I don't believe for one second that all nursing schools are like mine was, but it seems like many are. And that is something to be concerned about.
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Case Study #2

40-year-old woman was at work when she experienced sudden and acute onset of numbness, tingling, and weakness in her right arm and the right side of her face.

She was rushed through triage to an open room but none of the pod nurses heard the call... I got involved when a call went out that "Dr. Bill needs nursing assistance in room 8." I walked in to see one nurse starting a line on her right arm, someone getting her onto the monitor, someone else getting the EKG set up...

What do you suppose was my first action? What transpired in the first few minutes? What other pieces of information do we need STAT as we talk this through?
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[Toon] Who Said Babysitting Experience Can't be Useful for Nursing???

As a student, you've probably had a few part-time jobs, many of which have nothing to do with nursing. You may be surprised to find out that babysitting may have given you some skills that you CAN use....especially if you've had to babysit difficult kids. You will soon learn that some grown-ups act worse than kids when they're in the hospital. Have you dealt with any unruly patients yet?
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Trouble with relating medical dx to nursing dx

My medical diagnosis is right arm suppurative thrombophlebitis ... I want to use a nursing diagnosis of: deficient knowledge r/t lack of interest in learning aeb patients statement of "I want to leave"... something like that... What I don't get is, does the supporting evidence have to relate to thrombophlebitis?
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Help! Are my Kaplan scores good enough?

I am scheduled for NCLEX RN in 3 days and I am worried that my Kaplan scores are not good enough. All of the sub categories are in the 50s. Am I ready? Please help! I am so freaked out and scared.
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Do new graduate nurses need a formal residency program?

The following article closely examines the current curriculum of the generic four year baccalaureate degree and questions the inherent limitations of clinical nurse training in the academic setting as well as the orientation process for new graduate registered nurses (RNs) in the hospital organization setting. The author explores the structure of medical training residency programs to address reality shock...
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Funny/Embarrassing Moments of Nursing School

Now that I have graduated I can't help but sit back and think of my most embarrassing or Blush Worthy moments during nursing school. My most memorable was during clinical...
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To Those Educators That Care

I am in my third semester of nursing school and from day one have felt not many of my professors care about my learning experience. Education nowadays is not what it used to be: it's become a money making machine for the universities.
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Letters of Recommendation for Applications

When looking at applications for nursing programs, many want that letter of recommendation from a few people. I'm guessing you can't or shouldn't have a family member do one for you. How did you go about this step. Did you go to a teacher, a co-worker?
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First Clinical Jitters

I start my first clinical placement in next week! I am excited, anxious, and quite frankly terrified! Any one have any tips for how to succeed in clinicals? Or how to get rid of these jitters...
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.