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"If you give a patient a cookie, they'll want a glass of milk." - Mully
Nursing Insights
July 9 - July Hottest Topics

Help....I Can't Take it Anymore!!! - Nurses Coping with Stress

Nursing is a stressful profession. But the source of our job stresses come from a different source that may elevate us higher up the ladder.  We are dealing with human lives. 

Do you have those days when the stress of your job just makes you want to scream?? Maybe you do scream….but hopefully not at your co-workers….and certainly not at your patients. But what do you do. How do you cope?
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I have general questions about Pierre Robin Sequence...

As a NICU nurse would you mind another nurse (from a different hospital) coming to your floor and asking a few questions on a disease process. I don't really know how receptive or how busy you all are in the NICU.
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LTC 101: What To Expect

Not every long-term care nurse chooses LTC as a profession. Sometimes, it chooses us.

Here is a brief guide for new LTC nurses as to what they can expect from their jobs. Included are the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of working in this specialty. I hope it will be helpful to both new grads and nurses who are changing fields. Welcome to LTC!
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And this is why I hate floating to stepdown...

Am I expecting too much out of our stepdown unit, or is it common for things like abnormal heart rhythms to be ignored if a patient is not in an ICU? What are your experiences with floating to floors where you cannot see the patient's heart rhythm in the room?
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My Love For Being a Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Nurse

I wanted to share my story on why I love being a Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Nurse. It amazes how my patients are so strong and brave. The lasting relationship that are formed are amazing. There is not a day that I do not enjoy going to work. I love my job and would not change it for anything.
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"Likes" define my value

I turned off my "like" notifications yesterday. I forgot that I turned them off. All day today, every time I logged in, I was mildly disappointed that I had no "like"s. Then I remembered that I turned off notifications. 

I have turned them back on. I guess I need that validation. 
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Top 5 Do's Top 5 Dont's

As far as being oriented, learning, and adjusting to nursing. 

What are your personal top 5 DOs?
What are your personal top 5 DONTs?
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[Toon] Never Say the Q Word

It's always busy on your shift. But occasionally you get a lull in the action. You might even have time to catch up on charting and take a bathroom break. But NEVER say the Q word! As soon as someone utters that word, the spell has been cast and the craziness begins. Has that happened to you?
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Surrendering RN Scope!

I have serious concern about how willing RNs are in the hospital to shrink their scope of practice and be relegated more and more to merely following MD orders. Case in point: our hospital recently created a policy that Ensure drinks required MD order. We're talking food! If that's not firmly still in the RN scope, then what is?? What do we need to do in hospitals to RECLAIM RN scope of practice?
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Magnet(TM) Certification- Cost-effective?

My organization is attempting to become Magnet certified. The amount of money being sunk into certification is ludicrous. Does it actually affect the bottom line in the end or is this just another way that medical costs are being inflated?
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Nursing Jobs

Note: Job Search services membership requires it's own log-in information. Membership is not required to view job listings.