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"It's difficult to perform skillfully and efficiently when you're having a meltdown. Keep your head about you and both you and your patient will survive!" - janfrn
Nursing Insider
July 2 - July Hottest Topics

A Thief Named Alzheimer's

It's a weird feeling. To love someone that isn't quite sure who you are. It grips you, right in the heart, the blank stare. The one where they look right thru you. And you wonder, are they trying to remember? Will I get lucky today? 

Sometimes, on a good day, you can tell by looking in their eyes, that they see something in you that clicks, reminds them of some other time. And on a great day, they remember your name. That's life with Alzheimer's. 
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Internship programs for critical care nursing?

Though I am still working on my BSN, I would like to start learning about potential next steps now. Has anyone experienced going through an internship program for critical care nursing? Can you recommend any of them to me?
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Is this Patient Abandonment?

I work in a LTC and came to work tonight at 7pm. There were two nurses on, one scheduled to leave at 7pm and the other at 11pm. The second nurse just decided she no longer wanted to finish her shift. I was forced into covering her patients for the remainder of her shift as well as mine. Would this be considered patient abandonment?
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The Scarlet Letter Nurse

More than 25 years ago I broke the law and wound up with not one -but two- misdemeanors. Now, I will suffer for them the rest of my life. So, why didn't these misdemeanors ever hurt my ability to work before?
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Can you hit before you get hit?

As you all know this is my first ed position and I know I will defend myself and my coworkers in violent situations. So the question is probably this: What is the realistic approach in hitting someone before someone hurts you?
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Does your hospital or facility badge include your credentials?

In my current position my badge says nurse. Not even RN, just 'nurse'. Is this happening in other hospitals? If I was a patient I would be thankful to see CCRN or CEN or CNOR on my nurse's badge. It represents competence and a commitment to continuing education. Any thoughts?
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Good Nursing Books

I've been a nerd my whole life. Having said that, I love research. If there is something I'm interested in, I research the heck out of it. One thing I'm looking for, though, are nurses' opinions on how to best grow in nursing. Anyone know any good books applicable to this subject?
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[Toon] Tired of the Media's Portrayal of Nurses?

We've all seen it. The lousy portrayals of nurses in the media. They think we are all just beautiful women with fabulous bodies in uniforms. Nurses are more than that. We actually do have awesome lead roles in the healthcare industry. Where would healthcare be today without these leading women....and men too???
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Insurance credentialing for CNS

I recently moved from Texas to Oregon. I transferred my CNS license & prescriptive authority to Oregon. A number of insurance agencies are telling them that they will not credential a CNS. Is there anything I can do about this?
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Need help from Navy Nurses

I'm looking into applying to the Navy Nurse Corp in February after I finish with my first year on a telemetry unit. What sort of things can I do to increase my chances of being selected?
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