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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Mar 27-Apr 2 Hottest Topics

Reliving My Passion

As a child, my interest with healthcare was obvious. Life somehow takes a series of steps which lead you far away from your passion. Then, the very same life, gives you opportunities to grab back what it took away from you. Passion never dies!
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HESI tips

I said i would make a post about the HESI after i took it to help people out and try and help people not make the same mistakes as I did. I got an 88% which is not as good as i wanted, and I know what I should have done differently.
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Through the flames that engulf the weak, harden the strong

Nursing school is not for the faint of heart. You hear from the start to sequester yourself and warn your friends and family that they will only catch glimpses of you over the next two years. I discovered, with sweat-inducing terror, the importance of making every second you have count.
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The Importance of Balance

I spent my winter in hibernation mode. After another couple of weeks rolled by, I realized something… A mundane approach with complacence in caring for me is absolutely unacceptable. As nurses, why do we spend so much time and energy caring for others and totally side-step and even ignore the big U-S?
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About to graduate, need advise on finding the right job.

I'm about to graduate nursing school in May and I'm looking for advise on how to get on the path to the career I want. I'm graduating with a 2 yr. RN and am signed up to attend an RN to BSN program already.
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Pregnancy in nursing school

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but has anyone actually done it? I recently found out that we're in a now or never situation to have a baby, and we had always planned on having one more.
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[Toon] How can I afford Nursing school?

Almost anyone wanting to go to Nursing school faces a potential financial problem. How on earth can I afford the tuition? There are several ways to do this and some are, student loans, tuition reimbursement, scholarships, and private loans, just to name a few. Selling the family car would help, but the trade off is a long walk to class.
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