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Nursing Insights: Student Edition
Mar 20-26 Hottest Topics

Why Nursing?

I have about five minutes left in my shift for the day as an operating room attendant but I will not be clocking out once the clock strikes 6:00pm. Instead, I am still on the medical surgical floor of the hospital waiting to transport a patient down to surgery.
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Need some help deciding on which route to take...

I am trying to decide If I should apply to the LPN program or start pre reqs for the RN program. The LPN program starts in September and is 2 semesters long at a local community college. My thoughts are I could get my LPN and work while going for my RN.
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Hesi Advice/My Experiences

Taking the HESI-A2 is usually one of the first steps into nursing school or clinical. For me, it was both a nerve-wracking and enlightening experience. I never realized how badly I wanted to succeed in nursing school until that moment.
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Was my professor out of line?

My professor told me some things during a discussion that has really bothered me and I just wanted to get others' opinions on this. I had a meeting with her because I was struggling in class. She asked me what my priorities are and I said #1 is my husband and kids and #2 is nursing school.
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Able To Work Business Hours?

For my school, before applying to the ASN or LPN programs, we're required to attend a seminar where a director from the programs speaks to us about requirements and general questions.
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Teas test?

I've decided to take on the career of practical nursing. Academically in high school/college I never was a great student C/D type of student. So I'm scared of this upcoming test I have a month to study which is great im hoping i do well.
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[Toon] Feeling lost on the first day

It's not all that uncommon. Many of us feel lost the first day of Nursing classes. I suppose a head-mounted GPS could work, but think of the looks you'd get. Maybe print off a campus guide ahead of time complete with easy to follow directions and scope out your surroundings is a good idea.
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