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Verbal Hand-off Reports - Are they no longer necessary?

I work as an acute care Med-Surg float nurse and my hospital has implemented a new process where patients are being transferred to units from other units, ie. the ED to the floor, ICU to the floor...

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The Silent Victims of Human Trafficking

Nurses are uniquely positioned on the front line between a victim's health and welfare or a life of despair. An injury or medical emergency may be the only opportunity a victim of human trafficking may have to make contact with a social system that can help rescue them.

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Myths about Midwifery

This nursing path is extremely rewarding for both midwives and patients, and midwifery ultimately results in better outcomes for mothers, babies, and public health. Since 1990, the countries around the world that have been most successful at improving maternal health have done so through the deployment of midwives.

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Disciplining employee in front of other employees?!

I am a Nicu nurse. I wont go into detail about what type of an issue and all, as that doesnt really matter. Long story short, I got a verbal disciplinary action by my manager in front of several other coworkers today.

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Non-compliant Manipulative Patient

For the past year I have been taking care of a patient who is a paraplegic due to spinal stroke resulting from pain injections to the lower spine. To list all of the diagnoses she has would take more space in this forum than is possible.

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Fall 2015 Article Contest Top 10: You Pick 4 Winners

It is always hard to select the top 10. That has been done and now it's your turn to help pick the Top 4 winners. The four articles with the most votes will each win $150!!!!

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