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Is Weight Loss Surgery an Easy Way Out?

In the spirit of Healthy Weight Week 2016, the topic of this piece is weight loss surgery. An array of bariatric surgeries are available to those who have a significant amount of weight to lose, and some of these procedures will be discussed.

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How to Find My Passion - Which Specialty is Right for Me?

I am currently an online master's degree student with Chamberlain College of Nursing and have finished the first year general requirements.

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Please Help, I'm new & made a huge med error, I'm devastated.

I made a big med error today and I don't know what to do. I can't put into words the way I feel right now.

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Unpaid Mandatory Meetings?

The organization I work for has started making our morning "huddles" mandatory for each unit.

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WHAT TO DO...Nurse is refusing to give PRN medication

I work in long term care. I have a patient that is chronically nausea. The patient asks for his prn nausea medications Q6H on the dot.

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