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Today is October 3, 2023. Editor's Picks... 💵 Giveaway; Giving References; 💰Realistic NP Compensation; Leaving Outpatient for Bedside; Incomplete Documentation; Decline Assignment; Hurtful Things Coworker Said; Informatics

Giving References

Being Asked to Give References for Someone You Don't Respect

...and you really have very little respect for that person's work ethic.

Be Realistic About Compensation

💰New NPs Should Be Realistic About Compensation

I am running across new grads who have no idea what a realistic salary range is. I strongly urge you to look at job boards and postings to get an idea for the salary range in your desired specialty and location.

LPN to RN Program worth it?

Please, I need your insight.

I've decided to prepare for an LPN to RN program. During my LPN studies, many of my classmates looked down on me because I didn't have any prior experience in the medical field.

Leaving Outpatient

Leaving outpatient for bedside, feeling guilty?

So many people were in shock that I left a chill job, most nurses will fight for this job. My cousin who is also a RN basically scolded me for leaving.

Documentation Fail!

Incomplete Documentation- New Grad

I forgot to finish my wound documentation. I did the wound change, took a photo but I forgot to document what the wound looked like. Now, I'm overthinking how to correct this. 

Can I decline an assignment?

Am I entitled to decline being assigned to a specific unit?

I feel my skill level isn't sufficient for an assignment. The stress and anxiety of floating to that unit is significant, yet it seems no one cares.

What can I do?

Negative Feedback From Coworkers

What is the most hurtful thing a coworker has said to you?

I've had one that is basically trying to egg me on to quit. She has said multiple times, "If you can't do the job, don't do it."

How to become a Nursing Informaticist

13 Best Nurse Informatics Programs | 2024

Discover the pivotal role of nursing informatics in the digital era and explore leading programs to enhance your career.

Learn More

Join CCMC Giveaway

💵2023 Case Management Week Contest

This year's theme resonates as "Keeping the Person at the Heart of Collaborative Care." To participate, answer the following questions (1 or all) for a chance to win a share of $200 in total prizes.

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