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Politics in the Nursing Work Place: When Conflicts Arise

Politics is all around us and often follows us into the work place. How do we continue to pursue excellence as nurses when conflicts arise?

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7 Ways to Increase Your Patient's Health Literacy

Does health literacy stand between your patients and their well-being? Learn how to mix the modes, assess patient skills, and other helpful ways to enhance your patient's ability to comprehend.

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First patient lost

I recently started my Med Surg 1 clinical in the ER this week. Within 5 minutes of arriving on the floor the second day, there was a person brought in who was found unconscious.

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"My pain is about an eight and a half"

Do you ever get patients who give you decimals for their report of pain? Somehow they lose credibility with me when they do this.

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Is this legal?

We have a policy where I work, that marijuana is confiscated from patient belongings when they are admitted, unless they have a medical marijuana card.

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Will this interview question cost me the job if I answer truthfully?

Dear Nurse Beth, I am a new grad RN and have an interview with a hospital on a med-surg/tele unit. They said they would like to discuss my career goals.

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Nurse Innovator Gillian Taylor and the Patient Transfer Scale

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