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Would you report possible diversion?

If you had a strong suspicion of a coworker's diversion of narcotics, how you handle it?

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Do you prefer to contend with the smell of stool or the smell of Glade?

Hospitals employees have many different ways of combating offensive odors produced by patients' bodies. The odors may be due to infectious diarrhea, necrotic infections, or excessive body fat.

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What is more scary to you? Being a LTC nurse or having a non-nursing job?

Which would be worse for you? Having a nursing job in a LTC facility or not being a nurse at all?

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Can blogging hurt or harm your career?

I'm just getting started into blogging within the nursing subject. Ive been thinking about it and am a little hesitant to throw my name on things for fear of how it could reflect on prospective employment down the road. Has anyone had thoughts on that or any insights?

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The Obesity Problem in Rural America

Public health has focused on the vulnerable patients in our society for the past few decades, but now they are looking at how “place” plays a factor.

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Blogging for a cause: Tips for nonprofits and charitable groups and organizations

A nonprofit or charitable group can have an outstanding mission, but unless the word is “out” about it, people won’t benefit or become supporters. Take a look at the following ways blogging can help a nonprofit or charitable group share information, resources, and gain support.

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