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Getting Our Egos Out of the Hierarchy!

Recently on FB there was a lively discussion about this sign that was posted in a waiting room somewhere, it read, "Don't confuse your google search with my medical degree". Some found it funny, some thought it was informational, and I thought it had an obnoxious tone!

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Do They Think I'm Old?

I told a teenage friend a story, finishing with, "And I'm not old." She looked at me as if to say, "And what planet are YOU from?"

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Health care administration - non nurses

I am somewhat puzzled by the idea of people studying to become healthcare administrators with NO experience in the health care field whatsoever.

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Just Lost! Advice please!

I am a new graduate RN and recently started dialysis at a clinic and HATED it. I left after three days as I knew that they would waste time and money and it just was not for me!

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Adult Critical Care Update: New Definitions of Sepsis and Septic Shock

The proceeding article discusses new changes to the current definition of sepsis and septic shock and new tools for assessing patients are at risk from a recent publication by an international task force on sepsis.

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A Day in the Life of a Work-At-Home Nurse

Is it possible to be a nurse who works from home? Yes! This piece captures the routine of one nurse who works from a home-based office.

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