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The Puberty Talk

I'm a first year certified school nurse and I'll be giving the puberty talk today to the fifth grade girls (I have a male teacher that agreed to cover the boys).

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Nurse Innovators Hub - Our Latest Addition

Do you love nursing? Do you love mentoring or sharing your knowledge with others? Do you like thinking and working outside the box? Do you want to start an online nursing business where you can creatively share your experiences and knowledge?

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You know your nurse brain is still at work when....

You see a curved tube from a broken shampoo pump on the floor and your first thought is "Why is that trach tube on the floor??"

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Why Every Nurse Should Blog

Like the slightly worn, but ever proud war veteran. Nurses are great story tellers. We inform, educate and comfort with our words, but above all we let others know they're not alone.

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'Right to Die', what's your take on it?

California recently passed the 'right to die' law and I recently saw an episode on 'Vice' where a woman in Europe actually allowed the journalist to record her euthanasia.

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Is it still profitable to travel?

I've been in nursing since 1997, specializing in Dialysis. I've worked permanent and temporary positions in travel. In general, nurses' hourly wage has not seen across the board increases in years.

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