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How does it feel to have a Foley insertion?

I've always wondered, but never wondered enough to try it for myself. Lol does it hurt? Is there a stretching, burning or stinging sensation?

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Hospice: A Dream or a Nightmare

I knocked the snow off my boots before knocking on the front door of the patient’s home. His daughter, Clara, opened it and with a tired smile invited me in.

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Where can I get a RX for empathy? (A vent)

Maybe its not empathy I'm lacking.... I have empathy. Working with kids, you have to - because you know that the parents behavior towards you and other staff is a direct result of the fact that their entire world is lying in that hospital bed.

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Musicians, Artist career changers?

I'm working towards going into nursing as a second career, coming from a performing arts background. For those of you who are also artist, I have some questions:

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Describe your ideal coworker

My New Years resolution is to be the coworker that I'd want to work with. What are somethings you like about some of your coworkers?

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Ridiculous things. This is a new one for me.

Have any of you EVER had dr. orders to give Ritalin 3 times a day at school? To be exact--- before breakfast and lunch (7:45 and 11:45) and at 2:30? I am still shaking my head on this one

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